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Your backstage pass to the Goldrush Concert

All roads lead to Charters Towers this October for the Rush Festival’s Goldrush Concert on Saturday, 7 October and featuring Wendy Matthews, The Chantoozies, Choirboys and Eskimo Joe.   In Your Backstage Pass to the Rush Festival’s Goldrush Concert podcast series with Jason ‘Wolfie’ Wolfgram listen to the music and the memories shared by these popular musicians.

Rush Backstage PassStuart Macleod - Eskimo Joe
00:00 / 46:40
Rush Backstage PassMark Gable - The Choirboys
00:00 / 46:27
Rush Backstage PassWendy Matthews
00:00 / 49:34
Rush Backstage PassAlly Fowler - The Chantoozies
00:00 / 43:07
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